California Notice at Collection

To view the categories of personal information we collect and the purposes for which the information is used, or to exercise your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), click the button below.

View notice at collection


O'Gara Coach Company, LLC and each of our subsidiaries and affiliated entities under common ownership and control (collectively, “Dealership” or “we” or “us”) respects your privacy and the information that you have entrusted to us. This Privacy Policy describes our collection, use and disclosure of the information we may collect from you whenever you visit the Dealership’s physical location(s) or website(s) (hereinafter a “Site” and collectively the “Sites”), or otherwise access any of our other products, services, and content (hereinafter “Services”). This Privacy Policy applies to all visitors and customers of our Sites, including those consumers and/or customers who apply for and/or receive financing for personal, family or household purposes. If you become an inactive customer, or if we close or suspend your account, we will continue to adhere to the Privacy Policy in place when we collected your personal information as long as we retain it in our databases. We may delete any or all of your information at any time without notice to you or for any reason or no reason unless we are otherwise required by law or retain it. You may have other privacy protections under state laws and we will comply with any applicable state laws when we disclose information about you.


Section 1 - California Consumer Privacy Act Disclosures
Section 2 - Other Important Privacy Disclosures

Section 1 - California Consumer Privacy Act Disclosures

Notice of Collection
Learn about the categories of personal information our dealership collected and the purposes for which it is used.
View notice
California Privacy Policy
View our practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and sale of personal information and understand your rights under the CCPA.
View policy
Submit a CCPA Request
Exercise your rights under the CCPA, including your right to know or delete the personal information we've collected about you.
Submit request
Do Not Sell My Info
Opt-out of the sale of your personal information to third parties.
Submit request

Notice at Collection

View our practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and sale of personal information and understand your rights under the CCPA.

View our practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and sale of personal information and understand your rights under the CCPA.

  • Audio / Video / Visual / Electronic such as photographs, recorded calls, voicemails, and online & electronic communications, such as those made via a live or automated online chat module.
  • Biometric such as fingerprints.
  • Commercial such as vehicles, products, services, and repairs purchased, obtained or considered; personal property records (e.g., vehicle titles and registration cards); or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.
  • Customer Records such as digital and electronic signatures, telephone numbers, insurance policy numbers, credit and debit card numbers, financial and credit-related information, physical characteristics and descriptions (e.g., government identification), bank account numbers, and medical and health insurance information (in the context of employment).
  • Education such as diplomas and transcripts for student rebate eligibility.
  • Geolocation such as tracking and user-enabled location identification.
  • Identifiers such as real name, postal address, IP address, email address, SSN, driver’s license number, passport number, cookies, pixel tags, and similar identifiers.
  • Inferences to create a profile about you reflecting your product or vehicle preferences, purchasing tendencies and behaviors.
  • Internet Activity such as interactions with our websites, applications, and advertisements.
  • Professional/Employment such as job title, occupation, company or business name, and employment history information.
  • Protected Classes under state or federal law, such as gender, age, and veteran status.

In the context of employment, we also use the categories of personal information listed above for one or more of the following business purposes:

  • Claims & Benefits Administration to process claims, administer benefits, and conduct employee drug tests in accordance with applicable laws.
  • Determining Employment Eligibility to determine eligibility for employment, verify references and employment history, and conduct background checks.
  • Employee & Emergency Contact Communications to communicate with our employees or individuals listed as an employee’s emergency contact.
  • Employee Onboarding to conduct employee onboarding.
  • Employee Productivity to ensure employee productivity and adherence to company policies.
  • Human Resources Support & Services to provide employees with human resources management services and employee data maintenance and support services.
  • Internal Audits & Investigations to conduct internal audits and investigate complaints, grievances, and suspected violations of internal policies.
  • Monitoring Driving Records to monitor employee driving records as required or allowed by state and federal law.
  • Performance Evaluations & Customer Satisfaction to evaluate employee performance during the service and/or sales process and monitor customer satisfaction.
  • Preventing Unauthorized Access to prevent unauthorized access to or use of company property, including information systems, electronic devices, network, and data.
  • Public Health and Safety to conduct screening or temperature checks for COVID-19 symptoms or similar screening activities related to public health and safety.
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